Sunday, December 2, 2012

Polar Express Hot Chocolate & Homemade Marshmallows

If you love Christmas nearly as much as I do, you're very familiar with The Polar Express.  It is truly one of my favorite Christmas movies and watching it every year is an event unto itself.  The first requirement of watching The Polar Express is wearing your pajamas.  In the movie, all the kids on the train are in their pajamas because they wondered out of bed close to midnight and boarded this magical train making it's way to the North Pole.  The second requirement is having delicious hot chocolate.  This is the requirement that I am here to help you with.

First, a serious must, are the delicious homemade marshmallows that make the hot chocolate you're about to enjoy very creamy and delicious.  They are easy, but there are some steps you'll want to ready through several times and follow closely.  It isn't complicated, but you don't want to get ahead of yourself.  You'll want a candy thermometer also before you get started.  Also, rice flour can be pretty difficult to find (update 11/30/13: look in the Latino Foods section).  I could only find it at Harris Teeter.  If all else fails, take white rice and put it in your food processor and grind it into a powder.  Sift out any large pieces.
4 Gelatin Envelopes
3/4 cup Water
1 Tbs. Vanilla Extract
3 cups Sugar
3/4 cup Water
1 1/4 cups Corn Syrup
1/2 tsp. Salt
Rice Flour
Confectioner's Sugar
Line a 10"x15" Pyrex dish with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray.  Fit your stand mixer with the whisk attachment. In the mixing bowl combine the 1st 3/4 cup water and the vanilla.  Sprinkle the gelatin over the liquid to activate the gelatin.  In a saucepan combine sugar, salt, corn syrup and remaining water (do not stir).  With the lid on, bring to a boil (no stirring). When you have achieved boiling, remove the lid and attach your candy thermometer to the pot and continue to boil (without stirring) until the sugar mixture reaches the soft-ball stage (~240 degrees). 
NOTE: At this stage, take great care to NOT get any on you and do NOT taste it.  This molten sugar will cause 3rd degree burns and you will NOT be able to get it off your skin.
With the mixer at medium speed and the splash guard attached, pour all of the hot syrup slowly down the side of the bowl into the gelatin mixture.  It is very important to stay back, because it could splash and burn very easily. When all of the syrup is added, bring the mixer to high speed. Whip the mixture until it has increased in volume and becomes a little stiffer (8-10 minutes).  Pour the marshmallow mixture into the parchment-lined dish.  Allow it to sit, uncovered at room temperature for 10 to 12 hours.
To finish your marshmallows, mix equal parts rice flour and confectioner's sugar and sift over the marshmallows. Using the parchment that is still sticking up, you should be able to pull the marshmallow slab out of the dish and place it on a cutting board (I used a silicone baking mat).  Using a pizza cutter, cut the marshmallow slab into smaller pieces and make sure each side is coated in the flour/sugar mixture.  Shake off the excess powder.  Marshmallows will last several weeks in a sealed container at room temperature (Zip-Loc bags are best).
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups bittersweet chocolate chips (12 oz. bag)
6 cups milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. salt (optional)
Homemade marshmallows
In a large pot over low heat, combine all of the above ingredients.  Stir regularly for 30-40 minutes until chocolate is fully melted and incorporated with other ingredients. 
If you're making this for a party, you could add all of the above ingredients to a Crock pot a few hours before guests arrive.  Provide a ladle and mugs and let them serve themselves.  Just be careful, because it can burn quickly if you leave it on too long.

Update (11/30/13): I found that it's much easier to blend the ingredients if you put the chocolate chips in to melt and as soon as they start to melt, add the milk (whole, 2%, skim...doesn't matter). When the chocolate chips are melted and blended, add the cream, vanilla and sweetened condensed milk, then heat until evenly warm (do not over cook).
This is truly the BEST hot chocolate I've ever had.  My friends and I compared it to a liquid candy bar.  It's so rich and creamy that you don't need too much.  Drink with care.
If you would like to enjoy this tradition yourself, and don't own The Polar Express, I have looked up when it will come on to help you out.  There are plenty of opportunities so I hope you don't miss out.  You'll definitely need to plan ahead for this because this isn't a last minute type of hot chocolate.

The Polar Express on ABC Family - 2013
Thursday, December 5 @ 7 PM (EST)
Tuesday, December 17 @ 9 PM (EST)
Monday, December 23 @ 10 PM (EST)
Merry Christmas! Enjoy!


  1. Should I just skip the drinking and apply it directly to my thighs?
